Thursday, February 2, 2012

Here's looking at you kid

Photos by Sarah Phelan

Today is Groundhog Day, which doesn't mean much in California where concerns about the length of winter are replaced with concerns about the amount of rain that we have or haven't had . So, like any immigrant with Celtic roots, I remind myself that Groudhog Day is a vestige of Imbolc, a Celtic festival that marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox and is when lambs and baby goats are born. 
But when I dropped by City Grazing in San Francisco, I learned that all their male goats have been fixed, so there will be no kids this year. But there were plenty of super cute goats on display, chewing and munching on weeds and giving me an eyeful of their most excellent horns, stripes, eyes, nostrils and teeth. Yup, with spring in the air, what's not to love? Don't believe me? Continue reading to check out some of the cutest domesticated ruminants this side of the Rockies.

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